Statement of Commitment
Touristic Enterprise – Hotel Portuense with the RNET nº 6550

The Healthy & Secure Establishment declaration, valid until April 30, 2021, is duly registered.
The submission of this Declaration derives from the commitment that all the requirements mentioned below are validated in full by the Hotel Portuense Establishment.
Training for all employees
- All employees have received specific information and/or training about:
- Internal protocol on the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
- How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions related to the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus, including procedures:
- hand hygiene: wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use disinfectant for hands containing at least 70% alcohol, covering all surfaces of the hands and rubbing them until dry.
- Respiratory label: cough or sneeze into the flexed forearm or use a tissue, which should then be immediately disposed of; Always clean hands after coughing or sneezing and after blowing; Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
- Social behaviour: change the frequency and form of contact between workers and between workers and clients, avoiding (when possible) close contact, handshaking, kissing, shared workplaces, face-to-face meetings and sharing food, utensils, cups and towels.
- How to comply with daily self-monitoring for fever assessment (measuring body temperature and recording the value and time of measurement), cough check or difficulty in breathing.
- How to comply with the guidelines of the General Directorate of Health for surface cleaning and treatment of clothes in establishments.
Information to all customers
- The following information is available to all customers:
- How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus.
- What is the internal protocol regarding the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19.
The establishment has
- Enough personal protective equipment for all workers.
- Personal protective equipment available for customers (maximum capacity of the establishment).
- Stock of single-use cleaning materials commensurate with their dimensions, including single-use cleaning wipes moistened in disinfectant, bleach and alcohol at 70º.
- Dispensers of alcohol-based antiseptic solution or alcohol-based solution near entry/exit points, and where applicable per floor, at the entrance to the restaurant, bar and common sanitary facilities.
- Waste container with non-manual opening and plastic bag.
- Place to isolate people that may be detected as suspect or confirmed cases of COVID-19, which should preferably have natural ventilation, or mechanical ventilation system, and have smooth and washable linings, bathroom, cleaning materials stock, surgical masks and disposable gloves, thermometer, self-contained waste container, waste bags, used laundry bags, kit with water and some non-perishable food.
- In sanitary facilities hand washing equipment with liquid soap and paper towels.
The establishment ensures
- Washing and disinfection, according to the internal protocol, of the surfaces where employees and clients circulate guaranteeing the control and prevention of Infections and resistance to antimicrobials.
- Cleaning, several times a day, of surfaces and objects of common use (including counters, light and lift switches, handles, cabinet knobs).
- Preference is given to wet cleaning rather than dry cleaning and the use of vacuum cleaners.
- Air renewal in rooms and enclosed spaces is done regularly.
- The disinfection of the pool or other existing equipment in SPAs / wellness areas (where they exist) is performed as defined in internal protocol.
- The disinfection of the Jacuzzi (whenever there is one) is done regularly with the discharge of all the water followed by washing and disinfection; afterwards it is filled with clean water and disinfected with chlorine in the appropriate amount, according to the internal protocol.
- In the food and beverage areas, the hygiene of utensils, equipment and surfaces is reinforced and direct handling of food by customers and employees is avoided as much as possible.
The cleaning and sanitation protocol guarantees
- The definition of specific care for the change of bed linen and cleaning in the rooms, privileging two intervention times spaced and with adequate protection according to internal Protocol.
- The removal of bed linen and towels made without shaking it or shaking it, rolling it inwards to outwards, without touching the body and carrying it directly to the washing machine.
- Separate washing by machine and at high temperatures of the employees’ uniform and bedding/cloths (about 60ºC).
The operation ensures
- That there is always an employee in charge of triggering the procedures in case of suspected infection (accompanying the person with symptoms to the isolation space, providing the necessary assistance and contacting the national health service).
- Decontamination of the isolation area whenever there are positive cases of infection and reinforcement of cleaning and disinfection whenever there are patients suspected of infection, especially on the surfaces frequently handled and most frequently used by the same, as indicated by the DGS.
- The storage of the waste produced by patients suspected of infection in a plastic bag which, after being closed (e.g. with a clamp), should be segregated and sent to a licensed operator for the management of hospital waste with biological risk.